The RAIC is proud to partner with Toronto Metropolitan University to support portfolio development* for a group of Canadian architecture students.
What: Recruiting/inviting students in CCUSA architecture programs to one portfolio
consultation session. We are recruiting both French-speaking and English-speaking
participants. RAIC Syllabus students are also welcome.
Details: Participate in a portfolio consultation session.
Each consultation is 20 minutes in duration, possible maximum of three consultations
When: July 18, 2023 at 4:00pm ET
Where: Virtual consultation
Are you a current student at a Canadian architecture program or the RAIC Syllabus program? Complete the short online application. There are a limited number of spaces available, signing up does not guarantee a consultation. Spaces will be assigned on a first come, first served basis.
*This project is delivered in partnership with the Business + Higher Education Roundtable, and with support from the Government of Canada and RBC Future Launch.