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Deadline for Term 2: June 15

Design Documentation and Portfolio

RAIC Syllabus Components

The 3-prong composition of the Syllabus consists of:

  1. Work Experience
  2. Design Studio courses (in-person, through one of the local studio chapters)
  3. Academic courses (online, through correspondence)

Monitoring Student Progress - Design Studios

Unlike Academic Examiners, who relate to students long-distance by mail, e-mail, fax or telephone, Coordinators, Instructors & Jury Members are on the ‘front line’ working with students in the application of theoretical knowledge within Design studio courses. Knowledge of student progress within the Academic component, work experience the student is obtaining, and other related issues, are helpful toward identifying and addressing areas of weakness in the student's overall education.

Academic Course Grades - Online Courses

To receive credit for academic courses taken through Athabasca University, Syllabus Students must submit proof of course completion and grades to the RAIC Syllabus National Office. The RAIC National Office will accept a copy of a student's 'Statement of Grades' (unofficial transcript) as proof of course completion and to record grades in the RAIC Transcript for each academic course taken through Athabasca University. The Statement of Grades can be emailed to the RAIC Syllabus Registrar at: RAIC Syllabus National Office will require students to submit an Official Transcript from Athabasca University at the end of Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of the program to advance and receive a Certificate of Completion/ Diploma. 

Portfolio Contents & Processing

The tool in this endeavour, the student portfolio and use of it within the program, has been adopted. 

  1. Students are to create & maintain a portfolio, which is to be presented at the beginning of each term to their Local Coordinator.
  1. The portfolio will contain, but not be limited to:
    • Copies of design studio documentation for all completed studio courses;
    • Curriculum vitae & copies of CERB (Canadian Experience Record Book) reports;
    • Other items at the student’s discretion, such as sketch studies, photography, essays, etc.

The portfolio will be forwarded, or presented, to the Design Instructor / Mentor of the student, who will return the portfolio to the student before the end of the design studio session.

Studio Design Documentation

NEW: Effective May 1, 2018, Design Documentation must be submitted via the online Student Portal System, as a single PDF. Emailed submissions will not be reviewed or processed.

To receive credit for completed Design Studio courses, students are required to submit documentation at the end of each design studio

The Design Documentation submitted by students becomes part of the Student Portfolio. Students are advised to keep submission requirements in mind for ease of assembly at the end of the studio.

The Syllabus Director reviews submissions each term to monitor National design studio standards. Submissions become the property of the RAIC Syllabus and may be included in the online resource library, publication, public displays, or reviews.

Design Documentation Upload Instructions.

Requirements (To be uploaded as a single PDF):

  1. Coversheet (click here for the form) containing the student’s typed description of the intent (not to exceed the space of the page), concept, process & resolution to the assignment(s) of the studio, followed by:
  2. Assignment(s) Outline issued by the Coordinator or Instructor / Mentor; 
  3. Drawings & photographs of models. Ensure all images, text, and graphics are CLEAR. Illegible submissions will not be accepted.

Check grammar, syntax & composition for clarity of communication

Label all pages and all images attached to the Coversheet as follows:

  • Student Name & Identification Number (Province, Number, Chapter)
  • Course Number and Name in full
  • Term (Term 1 or Term 2) & year of the design studio
  • Location of design studio (City & Province)

File Name should read as:

DESDOC_Studio _LAST name, FIRST name_Student ID_Submission Date

Sample: DESDOC_D4_SMITH, Jane_NY110011NYC_2011Dec21

REMEMBER! Keep at least one complete copy for inclusion in your portfolio.

Submission Deadlines:

Term 1 =  June 15           

Term 2 =  December 15