Apply to a Program

Deadline for Term 2: June 15

Niagara Society of Architects - Michael Zuberec Scholarship - 2023

Niagara Society of Architects
Michael Zuberec Scholarship - 2023

The Niagara Society of Architects offers one or more scholarships annually to encourage studies in architecture by people from the Niagara Region of Canada. The amount of the scholarship is $(Can)1,200. The scholarship is named in memory of Michael Zuberec (1930-2022), who had a long-term interest in people entering the field of architecture, and promoted the scholarship program.

The scholarship is open to individuals who are studying architecture in a program leading to registration as an architect, or are undertaking post-graduate (post professional) studies in architecture, and who have completed high school at a school located in the Regional Municipality of Niagara. Other significant connections with Niagara may be considered - such as employment with a Niagara-area architect while following the RAIC Syllabus program.

The award is open to any level of student (including PhD), however is not available to any student who expects to graduate within one year of the deadline for applications.

The winner will receive the award in Niagara at a mutually convenient date, and, at a later date, to be arranged, will give a presentation of their student work and/or their educational experiences to a meeting of the Niagara Society of Architects.
The decision will be made by a committee of the Niagara Society of Architects. It is not given only on the basis of high marks: consideration will be given to such factors as creativity, dedication and potential. The selected individual will produce evidence that he/she has been successful in the current year, and intends to continue with architectural studies in the next year. If there are no suitable applicants, the Niagara Society of Architects may decide not to make the award.

Deadline for Applications: March 30, 2023. It is planned that the award will be made in late May 2023.


Material required for application:
Address #1 (in term)
Address #2 (permanent address if different than term address)
Phone number (in term)
Phone number (permanent if different than in term number)
Cell phone
High school from which you graduated, and date of graduation:
The name of the school at which you are attending a programme in architecture.
Previous post-secondary education.
The course of studies which you are following and a statement that you intend to continue in the next year.
A recent transcript of marks in your current programme.
Your expected date of graduation.
Please include a one page written summary (600 to 700 words) of your architectural interests and career objectives, together with four to six pages (8 1/2 x 11 or A4) showing some of what you consider to be the design work that best represents your ideas and capabilities.


Applications are to be sent to:

Niagara Society of Architects,

c/o Larisa Brodsky Architect Inc.,

156 St.Paul Street,

St.Catharines, Ontario, L2R 3M2, Canada


For further information contact:

Ian Ellingham, PhD, FRAIC,

Chair, Niagara Society of Architects

or through the Niagara Society of Architects’
